February 17, 2015


I've learned from adventures in having-a-house that small things can be more bothersome than big things.

A day or two after we moved in I started to pull off wallpaper at one end of the living room.  I pulled off a lot of it, actually; more than I intended to, and more than I should have. And then we realized that the wall underneath was a mess, and the wallpaper removal wasn't going to be a picnic either. So we pushed that off for future consideration. Mark sometimes calls it the "designer distressed wall," but it really just looks like an abandoned, half-begun project. It's looked like that for a year and a half.

The wall doesn't bother me at all. The tiny, unphotogenic coat closet off the kitchen - that has been a consistent downer, especially during the winter, when we make trips to the closet daily. Months ago I started painting the inside of the closet white, but I stopped halfway, mostly because it wasn't improving anything.

I had a lot of paint, of a dark, almost-black color left over from a project last year that was never finished. (Do I do this often?  Yes, constantly.) In much more recent history I had a brilliant idea for using that paint. I'd fix the problem of the unattractive closet.

It's a small thing in a not-so-small house, but there's something satisfying about hanging one's coat in a posh-looking closet. Making your closet look posh is simple: a few coats of navy blue paint will do the trick.

Oh, and keep your spare lightbulbs in baskets.  That helps too.


  1. It looks nice!

    We keep our spare lightbulbs in a shoebox; where do people who don't keep them in some sort of box/other container keep them? (Are there such people?) For that matter, do you take your lightbulbs out of the cases before putting them in the basket? We keep them in since that way we can tell by a glance at the label what type of lightbulb it is.

  2. Reminds me of my black door in the entryway :) I love it!
